Monday, February 20, 2017

Southpaw 2015

Of all the sports out there, boxing is my least favorite. In fact, I won't even watch it. Not because I'm a woman and find it too violent. I am a hockey fan, I'll have you know. And I am also a fan of Southpaw. How did this happen? I hate boxing! Jake G and Rachel McAdams are hot and likable as always. Throw in wonderful actor Forest Whittaker and it's a no brainer. Somehow this movie had an appeal, that kept me watching and thinking about for days after. It was kind of ROCKY and kind of not. Ok... so I will label it a "refreshing ROCKY" . Bobby Hope's fall from grace has more to it because there''s a child involved. Anyway, as you can tell, I liked it. It's not easy to keep me intrigued and Southpaw did it's job.

Tuesday, February 7, 2017


Things didn't end well for a lot of characters this season, especially for our hero Ragnar. And anyone whose name starts with S-I-G never lives very long. Examples: Siggy, Baby Siggy and Sigurd Snake in the Eye. I really didn't see that one coming, although it was foreshadowed early in the season. Character with the Best Lines in a Season Finale goes to Floki. Babyface Aethelwulf couldn't catch a break with anyone. Maybe now that he's king, he will. It was good to see Rollo for just a little bit. Then there was Ivar, possibly the best creepiest good guy/bad guy actor going. I will say I like how the sons of Ragnar, sound, act, almost impersonate versions of their father so that even if they don't look exactly like him, you can tell they're related. What will next season bring us? Who will be back? Floki? Torvi? A lot of good characters died, is there time for us to really get to love anyone else except Bjorn and Lagertha, the only two (I think?) remaining first season characters? I hope so, as this is one of my favorite shows.